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Surrealism in Contemporary Photography: Making Sense of the Nonsensical

submitted on 9 August 2023 by

What the Hell is Surrealism Anyway?

Before we dive into the deep end of the surrealist swimming pool, let's first attempt to define what surrealism is. Without diving too deep into the history of the term, surrealism can be described as an artistic movement that seeks to unleash the subconscious mind and express it in a visual form. It's all about melting clocks, floating apples, and whatever other fever dreams the artist can cook up. If you're not confused yet, congratulations! You're one step closer to being a surrealist.

What Happens When Photography Meets Surrealism?

Photography is a medium that has always been perceived as a means to capture the reality around us. However, when photography gets bitten by the surrealist bug, it transforms into a medium that doesn't just capture reality but instead distorts it, manipulates it, and flips it on its head. Suddenly, a photograph isn't just a snapshot of the world around us, but a window into the mind of the artist. In a time where photoshop and digital manipulation have become the norm, the lines between reality and surrealist photography have blurred to the point where they're practically indistinguishable.

Enough Jibber Jabber, Let's Talk Examples

In the spirit of surrealism, allow me to paint you a mental picture (or rather, a mental photograph) of some of the more mind-bending examples of this artistic movement in contemporary photography. Disclaimer: if you're prone to having your mind blown, you might want to sit down for this.

1. The Impossible Architectures of Erik Johansson

Swedish artist Erik Johansson is a Photoshop master who creates impossible realities that make M.C. Escher's work look like child's play. With a degree in computer engineering and a love for photography, Johansson skillfully combines multiple images to create mind-bending scenes that defy logic. Staircases lead to nowhere, roads fold in on themselves, and landscapes seamlessly blend together in a visual feast that will leave you questioning your own reality.

2. The Dreamy World of Anja Niemi

Norwegian photographer Anja Niemi's work is like stepping into a dream. Equal parts haunting and enchanting, her photographs often feature solitary figures in surreal environments, surrounded by strange and unexplained objects. Niemi's work is not just a product of digital manipulation – she meticulously stages and shoots each scene herself, making her photographs all the more impressive.

3. JeeYoung Lee's Fantastical Studio Transformations

Korean artist JeeYoung Lee has a unique approach to creating her surreal photographs: she transforms her tiny studio space into elaborate scenes using a combination of hand-made props, paint, and pure imagination. From an underwater world filled with colorful fish to a giant, intricate spider web, Lee's photographs are a testament to the power of the human mind to create entire worlds from scratch.

How Can I Try My Hand at Surreal Photography?

So, now that you've dipped your toes into the surrealist waters, you might be wondering how you can try your hand at this mind-bending form of photography. Here are a few tips to get you started:
  • Get Inspired: Look at the works of famous surrealist photographers and artists, as well as other sources of creativity (dreams, nature, science fiction, etc.) to kickstart your own ideas.
  • Experiment with Photoshop: If you're not already well-versed in photo manipulation software, now's the time to learn. Adobe Photoshop is the industry-standard tool for creating surreal images.
  • Push the Boundaries: Don't be afraid to break the rules of composition and traditional photography. Surrealism is all about defying logic and expectations, so let your imagination run wild.
  • Plan Your Shoot: While some surreal images can be created spontaneously, many require careful planning and staging. Make a storyboard or sketch out your ideas before diving into the actual photography process.
As you venture into the world of surreal photography, remember that the only limit is your own imagination. So go ahead, break the rules, bend reality, and create something that would make Salvador Dalí proud.
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